Online or web Booking Engine
We know your travel plans can sometimes change! Manage My Booking Servicing is the solution.
With Manage My Booking you can add edit and delete information in an existing PNR (both pre and post-ticketed PNRs).
Manage My Booking specifically offers to the customers the following features:
- Modify Flights: Reschedule your flights to different dates or flight times.
- Cancel and Refund : Cancel and request for refunds for your flights.
- Viewing a booking : retrieve and print all bookings, created online or offline.
- Updating a booking: update frequent flyer numbers, passport, contact information, meal, and seat preferences and enter special requests.
- Completing Advance Passenger Information (APIS) data.
- Acknowledging a schedule change.
Online Check-In
The online check-in is available from 24 hours before departure.
Please prepare your documents before check-in :
- Your booking reference or e-ticket number
- Your Passeport